Fidelity trading full of bear pussy
I went all in on NVDA last year. I always keep as much cash in my account as I have used in margin. I trade in margin for the sole purpose of not risking my cash and out of convienence. I bought a shit ton of NVDA at 98 dollars and held. I am still holding, but had a 20k house call today to either sell my positions or DOUBLE yes DOUBLE my cash holdings in my account, compared to my margin use on this SINGLE STOCK. This doesn't even count MSFT or any other tech company, just THIS STOCK. My options were also to sell like 200 shares or something close.
Mind you, at the absolute fucking bottom of the day NVDA hit 112, still 14 above my purchase price. I get on the phone with fidelity and their only (legally binding) response was that they reserve the right to call at any time or adjust holdings. Fucking pussies are trying to scare everyone into folding and preemptively make it look like the markets crumbling. I dumped another 20k in my account that has to just sit there for no reason other than some desk jockey feeling extra secure that there's cash holdings not making money, I bet the treasury is just absolutely nutting over the bills purchased today out of fear.
Fuck these stupid bears 🐻 and fucking hold. This is a clear cut bear dump that will hit 150 again within 4 weeks, meet me back here if I'm wrong. Yes a bear shits in the woods and also on your portfolio. Hold.