New CSS implemented on old.reddit - Give feedback or offer to help finetuning the css here

As announced in the State of the Sub-thread from 3 weeks ago we promised those using old.reddit that we'd implement:

  • CSS: for old.reddit (stats show about 10% of pageviews are on old.reddit, I think that warrants some extra CSS)


Today is that day. The base is DarkTheme with some tweaks to preserve the CSS we already had.

Let me know your thoughts on this css for our sub

What works? What doesn't work? What is illegible due to poor choice of colors? What is a horrible mistake, should absolutely be reverted and the mod responsible for it should be sent to Lord Scurlock's dinner table?

Do you have CSS skills? Please let us know

The stylesheet being implemented today is just what is possible given my poor grasp of CSS.

I have some more ideas (nothing too time-consuming) but would need help for it.

If you know CCS and want to help the sub, please let me know.

Your help would be much appreciated


I hope the new style is (if not to everyone's liking at least) considered a step in the right direction. To those of you, I say: Enjoy the new look. Hoping I can improve it further for all you scoundrels :)



P.S.: I'll be online for the next few hours checking in on the sub in case emergency actions need rolling back and/or adjusting.