Box truck
A/C During summer and can fit in a single parking space vehicle?
28m Feeling insecure about head shape
DHT Isn't directly Important For Libido
Is this follicle miniaturization?
Going to be living out of my truck for a week.
How do i ask for this at the barber?
which one is better
What does everyone think about Jason Isaac’s Durham accent? (The White Lotus S3E1)
How do I (1st pic) get hair like the second pic?
Average kilowatt-hour or dollar amount to Run AC?
My hair loss makes no sense I can't stand it
Davis Library Hours for summer?
Are above ground parking garages generally cooler during the day for summer?
Cost Of Climate Control for EV
Budget EV for car camping
Cost Of Climate Control for EV ?
Help me price this van for sale
Phase 1 Urban OffGid-ish
Thinking about living/sleeping in an EV
Unrealistic NRR (noise reduction rating)?
Rule 4. Change - NO VENTING (Rule is gone) is now No Bullying/Shaming/Gaslighting People with Misophonia. Please report those breaking this new rule. [We are also looking for mods, see application guidelines inside.]
High NRR rating?